
Sex Healthy People Hypertension

It is a good idea, and you know the pair well with the body's condition before making a sexual relationship. You must know what the disease and whether you idap safe if you do have sex. If your hypertension, there is certainly a special trick to this, as well as the other. You people with hypertension should be careful when performing a sexual activity.

Like many other activities, this activity can also increase blood pressure. The problem is, the increase that occurred during a sexual relationship will not be detected. While blood pressure increases dramatically due to heavy activity in a short period of time is the outbreak of the blood vessel culminate stroke.

Although the number its occurrence not much, you should note about this should not be ignored. Especially for those who have blood pressure reached 240/130, it is not advisable to do sexual activity. Highest number that is considered relatively safe when blood pressure reaches 150/90.

Sex Tips People with Hypertension:
Make sure that blood pressure are stable, while both of you decide to activity sexual. Heating do enough to avoid an increase in blood pressure suddenly. last togetherness with both cooling down. Do not force themselves to make sexual activity exceeds the capacity simply want to be recommended brave. What is compliment means that eventually result in fatal.

Indeed, much more pain that does not make you comfortable in a sexual relation. First is to ensure the condition of your body through the checks, tests and consultation with your doctor. You also need to know about the self-limitation in yourself. There are also good understanding and communication with your partner because of increased indirect pair that you will make more movements or sexual activity.

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