
Tension Control Tips For Speaking Success

Feeling a little tension before the speech is natural and healthy existence. However, when tension is beyond your control, then it could be disastrous. Here are some tips that can help you control the tension, and make your speech more effective and long remembered:
1. Master the ROOM TALKStrive for your familiar with the room or place where you will speak. Arrive early, take a walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.
2. IDENTIFY Audiencescolds greet with some people from the audience, as soon as they arrive. It is easier to talk to a group of friends than to a group of strangers.
3. Master MATERIALSIf you do not master your material, or you feel uncomfortable with your material, your tension will increase. Practice your speech and revise if necessary.
4. RELAXReduce tension with relaxation exercises.
5. Visualize TALK SESSIONImagine yourself speaking, loudly, clearly and confidently. If you visualize your success, then you will succeed.
6. Audience KNOW THAT YOU WANT SUCCESSYou want your audience interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They do not want you to fail.
7. DO NOT APOLOGIZEIf you show your tension, or apologize for many things that you have a problem in your speech, then you will attract audience attention to the things they did not know sebelummya. Remain silent.
8. CONCENTRATION ON MESSAGE, NOT ON THE MEDIADo not focus on your tension, focus on the message and your audience. Your tension will be receded.
9. Change TENSIONS TO BE POSITIVE ENERGYYou strain transformed into vitality and enthusiasm.
10. Expand EXPERIENCEThe experience will build confidence. And confident, is the key

2 komentar:

IjoPunkjUTee mengatakan...

Lapor, LINK Blog Juragan dah dipasang :D

funkynia mengatakan...

infonya bagus gan!
salam kenal 0_0